Jordan Hospital Careers HomeStaff Application Form Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Staff Application formSelect DepartmentDirector of the DepartmentManager of the General Director’s OfficeManager of departmentAdministrative assistantLaboratory Manager - Outpatient ClinicsHead of the DepartmentHead of reception and blood drawing departmentHead of the hormones departmentHead of Tissue DepartmentHead of the hematology departmentHead of the Department of ChemistryDepartment officialDivision HeadMotor Traffic Technical OfficerExchange OfficerWarehouse administratorPharmacy / Medical Center OfficerMorgue ClerkHead of Supplies Procurement DivisionHead of the internal pharmacy divisionHead of the external pharmacy divisionHead of Respiratory Therapy UnitResponsible unitHead of Waitering unitChief technicianHead chefHead of the mammography unitHead of the Employment DivisionDeputy of Head of the maintenance departmentDeputy Chief technicianActing Head of Patient Affairs DepartmentActing Head of Hotel Services DepartmentSupervisorEvening nursing supervisorHousing supervisorAssistant Head of Computer DepartmentAssistant Laboratory Director - Department of MicrobiologyMedical secretarySecretaryOperations SecretaryMonitor hours and overtimeHuman resource developmentInternal AuditorAccountantPatient accountantInsurance employeePatient Affairs AssociateEntry OfficerRecepionReceptionist / clerkClerkClerk / data entryEmergency clerkMedical records technicianArchiving technicianCommunicationPublic relationsSocial workerlibarianMaintenance technicianHealth and Safety SupervisorTechnician mechanicsConditioning and refrigeration technicianElectronic and electrical technicianSecurityDriverHousekeepingNutrition workerlaundry workerChefFirst chefSecond chefChief assistantWaiterConfectionerConfectioner assistantButcherDietitianForemanCarpenterPainterTailorStaff nurseAssociate nurseAssistant nurseParamedic EmergencyMidwifeOperating room technicianOperations Nurse AssistantInventory responsiblePorterSterilization technicianAid nursePathologistlaboratory technicianlaboratory technician assistantAssociate LaboratoryRadiologistRadiology consultantRay technicianPACS AdminPharmacistPharmacist AssistantStore officerStorekeeperAssociate storekeeperClinical pharmacistSpecialist DoctorAnesthesia specialistGeneral DoctorICU DoctorEmergency DoctorSpecialist Assistant and Chief Resident EsotericSpecialist assistantSpecialist Assistant / Head of Resident PhysiciansAnesthesia technicianFellow Trainee / Diabetes EndocrinologyFellow, Gastroenterology and HepatologyFellow of NephrologyTraining and Education CoordinatorLiaison officerPhysiotherapy technicianHeart and lung technicianLithotripsy technicianNuclear medicine technicianRespiratory Therapy Assistant TechnicianDishwashingDeputy Chief nutritionHeart catheterizationName *FirstLastPhone No : *Second No: *Address / Residence : *Date of Birth: *Place of Birth: *Marital Status: *MarriedSingleDivorcedFemale: *Male *Present / Last Position ( Job Title) : *Years of relevant experience : *Qualification: *Position Applied for: *When will you able to start work: *Place of graduation: *Date of graduation: *Education & Training Qualification In chronological order,please detail all academic, professional, and training courses attended, whether full time or by correspondence courses: Certificate / Diploma or Degree Obtained (Place and Date)Upload the following documents Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 10 files. Please enclose the following with your application: - Certified copies of relevant certificates. - Diplomas, University degree. - Copies of registration documents. - Current copy of work license. - one passport size photographs. Proficiency in Languages Mother languages:Arabic: *English: *Other: *List any serious illness in the last 5 years and give details of any physical disability *Next of Kin:Name *FirstLastTel. No. *Address *Father's Full Name: *Mother's Full Name: *Applicant Declaration :I certify that all statements made herein are complete and correct, I understand that any omission or misrepresentation may lead to my dismissal from any position I may secure. Signature : *Date: *Submit