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Jordan Hospital Careers

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  • Residency Application Form

Residency Application Form

Please choose one specialty and submit one application only. In case of submission of more that one application the candidate will be disqualified

Education & Training Qualification

In chronological order,please detail all academic, professional, and training courses attended, whether full time or by correspondence courses:
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 10 files.

Please enclose the following with your application:

- Certified copies of relevant certificates.
- Diplomas, University degree.
- Copies of registration documents.
- Current copy of work license.
- one passport size photographs.
- Passport/ ID photo.

Proficiency in Languages Mother languages:

Next of Kin:

Applicant Declaration :

I certify that all statements made herein are complete and correct, I understand that any omission or misrepresentation may lead to my dismissal from any position I may secure.