Dr. Jarir Faiq Halazun Pediatrics Pediatrics Consultant Contact Please feel welcome to contact our friendly reception staff with any general or medical enquiry call us. (06) 560 8080 Dr. Jarir Faiq Halazun Pediatrics Boards and Certification American Board of Pediatrics 1971 Special Interests General Pediatrics University American University of Beirut 1967 Residency Residency Training in Pediatrics AUBeirut University of Missouri ColumbiaChildrens HOSPTAL Cincinnati OH,Children’s Hospital Boston MASS 1967 -1970 Fellowship Fellowship Pediatrics hematology/ oncology at University of Missouri/Columbia & University of New York Buffalo / Roswell Park Memorial Cancer Center Previous academic positions Associate Pediatrician University of NY Buffalo& Associate University of Jordan And Yearly Medical School Examiner Languages spoken ArabicEnglish Make An Appointment Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Choose Department *Choose Department...Allergy and ImmunologyCardiologyDermatologyEndocrinologyGastroenterologyHematology and OncologyInfectious DiseaseNephrologyNeurologyPulmonary MedicineRheumatologyBreast SurgeryCardiothoracic SurgeryColorectal SurgeryEar Nose and Throat SurgeryGeneral SurgeryHepatobilliary SurgeryLaparoscopic SurgeryNeurosurgeryOrthopedic SurgeryPlastic and reconsrtuctive SurgeryPediatric SurgeryUrologyVascular SurgeryLiver TransplantKidney TransplantPediatricsObstetrics and GynecologyFertility Medicine (IVF)Allergy and Immunology Doctors *Choose Doctors...Doctor NameDoctor NameCardiology *Choose Doctors...Dr. Imad AlhaddadDr. Monther Awni AlsafinDr. Mohamad QaqourDr. Nazih kadriDermatology *Choose Doctors...Dr. Abed Jaleel MajaliDr.Rania ZuhlufEndocrinology *Choose Doctors...Dr. Mohamed M. ElZawahreh (El-Zaheri)Dr. Zeina W. MaaniDr. Omar Abu HijlehGastroenterology *Choose Doctors...Dr. Anwar Ahmad JarradDr. Osama Younis TobilDr. Ashraf M S AliHematology and Oncology *Choose Doctors...Dr. Maisara AlkamInfectious Disease *Choose Doctors...Dr.Jamal WadiNephrology *Choose Doctors...Prof. Riyad Abdel Rauf SaidDr. Fuad R. SaidDr. Issa Hazza AlkhatatbehNeurology *Choose Doctors...Dr. Ghazi Al-SalehDr. Firas Al-SalehPulmonary Medicine *Choose Doctors...Dr. Nabeil SammarahDr. Mohamad GhoshehDr. Maisa MansourRheumatology *Choose Doctors...Dr. Basel MasriBreast Surgery *Choose Doctors...Dr Abdallah BashirDr. Isam El-khatibCardiothoracic Surgery *Choose Doctors...Dr.Hamdi Abu AliColorectal Surgery *Choose Doctors...Dr. Mohamed EftaihaDr. Emad Mohammad Mustafa (Alsammodi)Ear Nose and Throat Surgery *Choose Doctors...Dr. Musa Naim JamalDr. Ziad M.H. BilbeissiDr. Shiham Mohammad EdreesDr. Mohammad Muhyealdeen HassanDr. Mohammad Ali HiariGeneral Surgery *Choose Doctors...Dr. Abdallah BashirDr. Ahmad BashirDr. Ashraf HaddadDr. Mahmoud KhattabDr. Rami Khalid ZakarnehDr. Ayman ObedDr. Mohannad Abu SadehDr. Emad Mohammad Mustafa (Alsammodi)Dr. Saeb HammoudiDr. Omar Nader Younes HamdallahDr. Mohamed EftaihaDr. Isam El-khatibHepatobilliary Surgery *Choose Doctors...Dr. Abdallah BashirDr. Ayman ObedLaparoscopic Surgery *Choose Doctors...Dr. Abdallah BashirDr. Ahmad BashirDr. Ashraf HaddadDr. Mahmoud KhattabDr. Mohannad Abu SadehDr. Rami Khalid ZakarnehDr. Emad Mohammad Mustafa (Alsammodi)Neurosurgery *Choose Doctors...Dr. Mahmoud Zuhair KarmiDr. Nidal RousanDr. Salah AlbishawiOrthopedic Surgery *Choose Doctors...Dr. Kamel Faik AfifiDr. Hashem Al QdhahDr. Fawzi ElayanDr. Mohammad Omar TabazaDr. Khaled AtaPlastic and reconsrtuctive Surgery *Choose Doctors...Dr. Basel KirreshDr. Mahmoud WreikatDr. Mutaz AlkarmiDr. Mais Mutaz AlkarmiPediatric Surgery *Choose Doctors...Dr.Saed HammoudiUrology *Choose Doctors...Dr. Nader Younis HamdallahDr. Mamoun ZibdehDr. Khalid C. SafiVascular Surgery *Choose Doctors...Dr. Omar Nader Younes HamdallahDr. Bashar Zuhair GhoshehLiver Transplant *Choose Doctors...Dr. Saeb HammoudiDr. Abdallah BashirDr. Ayman ObedDr. Mahmoud KhattabDr. Anwar Ahmad JarradKidney Transplant *Choose Doctors...Prof. Riyad Abdel Rauf SaidDr. Fuad R. SaidDr. Nader Younis HamdallahDr. Omar Nader Younes HamdallahDr. Mamoun ZibdehDr. Issa Hazza AlkhatatbehPediatrics *Choose Doctors...Dr. Reem Abdelhay JaradDr. Jarir Faiq HalazunDr. Nadwa ZihlifDr. Ahmad MallouhDr. Dina AlzubeidiDr. Sima KalaldehDr. Issa Hazza AlkhatatbehObstetrics and Gynecology *Choose Doctors...Professor Dr. Adnan HassanDr. Jamil ShabanDr. Fadi Hisham HamdanDr. Abdulhamid. MalhasDr Fadieh Abu-eishehDr. Amal Abu AbedDr. Omar Al OmariDr. Maysoon Mohammed SabriDr. Raneem Mufleh Al JarrahDr. Akaber Mahmoud Al Haj AliFertility Medicine (IVF) *Choose Doctors...Doctor NameDoctor NameDoctor NameAll Doctors *Choose Doctors...Dr. Abdallah BashirDr. Abdulhamid MalhasDr. Adnan Hassan (Professor)Dr. Ahmad Abdulkader AbedDr. Ahmad Abu AssiDr. Ahmad BashirDr. Ahmad MallouhDr. Aiman ObedDr. Akaber Mahmoud Al Haj AliDr. Ala’a AlhamiDr. Amal Abu AbedDr. Anwar Ahmad JarradDr. Ashraf HaddadDr. Ashraf M S AliDr. Basel KirreshDr. Basel MasriDr. Bashar Zuhair GhoshehDr. Basil Nizam AbufaresDr. Dina AlzubeidiDr. Emad Mohammad MustafaDr. Fadi Hisham HamdanDr. Fawzi ElayanDr. Faysal Al-MaayahDr. Firas Al-SalehDr. Fuad R. SaidDr. Ghassan JayyousiDr. Ghazi Al-SalehDr. Hamdi Barakat Abu AliDr. Hashem A Al QdhahDr. Hassan AnnabDr. Imad AlhaddadDr. Isam El-khatibDr. Issa Hazza AlkhatatbehDr. Jamal Wadi Al RamahiDr. Jamil ShabanDr. Jarir Faiq HalazunDr. Kamel Faik AfifiDr. Khaldounn SharifDr. Khaled AtaDr. Khalid C.SafiDr. Mahmoud KhattabDr. Mahmoud WreikatDr. Mahmoud Zuhair KarmiDr. Mais Mutaz AlkarmiDr. Maisa MansourDr. Maisara AlkamDr. Mamun EzzibdehDr. Manal AltayehDr. Marwan ZeidanDr. Maysoon SabriDr. Mohamed EftaihaDr. Mohamed El-ZaheriDr. Mohammad Ali HiariDr. Mohammad AlzughoulDr. Mohammad HasanDr. Mohammad HiariDr. Mohammad TabazaDr. Mohannad Abu SadehDr. Monther Awni AlsafinDr. Musa Naim JamalDr. Mustafa Nafe HamdanDr. Mutaz Zubair AlkarmiDr. Nader Younis HamdallahDr. Nadwa ZihlifDr. Nazih kadriDr. Neveen Esam AlSunnaDr. Nidal AlrosanDr. Nidal KhanfarDr. Omar Abu HijlehDr. Omar Al OmariDr. Omar Nader HamdallahDr. Osama Younis TobilDr. Othman AsaliDr. Rafat DaasDr. Rajai NasereddinDr. Rami ZakarnehDr. Raneem Mufleh Al JarrahDr. Rania Awwad ZuhlufDr. Reem Abdelhay JaradDr. Riyad Said (Professor)Dr. Saeb HammoudiDr. Salah AlbishawiDr. Shiham EdreesDr. Shoman MohamedDr. Sima KalaldehDr. Suhad Al MunayerDr. Usama FarashDr. Walid S ZuabiDr. Zeina W. MaaniDr. Ziad M.H. BilbeissiPhone *Date Make Appointment