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Surgical Specialties 

Vascular Surgery

General Overview 

The Vascular Surgery Department at Jordan Hospital provides state of the art surgical and endovascular management of all vascular diseases including advanced complex aortic interventions, Carotid Artery open and endovascular procedures, peripheral vascular disease management as well as venous pathologies from varicose veins endovenous procedures to more complex venous disease.

The hybrid operating room enables the surgeons to perform complex procedures that require open and endovascular interventions during the same session which delivers better and safer outcomes

Jordan Hospital provides the most advanced imagining modalities including T3 MRI and 512 CT scanners which can help diagnose all vascular diseases with minimal amounts of radiation and contrast materials with very high accuracy.

 A full supporting staff and facilities including ICU care, physical therapy, counseling and dieticians ensures optimal care of our patients at Jordan hospital.

Diseases treated by the Department

Aortic diseases

The Aorta is the measure artery in the human body that transports blood from the heart to all the organs and travels through the chest and the abdomen. It is liable for a variety of disease as aortic aneurysms and stenotic diseases.

Aortic aneurysms are enlargement of the Aortic artery which might lead to its rupture. Management of Aortic aneurysms varies depending on the location, size and the patient’s general health and co-morbidities. The Vascular surgery department provides a wide variety of treatments for Aortic aneurysms including open surgical procedures, advanced endovascular and hybrid procedures as well as any needed extra procedure to achieve the highest success and safety rates for our patients.

Carotid artery diseases

Carotid arteries transport blood from the heart to the brain and face which makes it high importance. Diseases of the carotid arteries include Atherosclerotic diseases which is a narrowing of the lumen of the artery that might result in a clot or small part of the plaque to travel to the brain and cause a stroke. Surgical management of the Carotid artery stenosis is still the gold standard for most of the patients which is a very safe procedure done under local anesthesia. Also the Carotid artery stenting is available for selected patients according to the patients anatomy and co-morbidities.

Peripheral Arterial diseases

Peripheral arteries include all the arteries that transports the blood from the Aorta to the extremities. PAD is very prevalent disease in our area due to high rates of diabetes mellitus, hypertension, hyperlipidemia and smoking. Treatment of PAD includes a wide variety of procedures including classical open surgical procedure and very advanced endovascular angioplasties (Balloons, stents and atherectomies).

PAD can result in chronic ulcers and diabetic foot, which is managed by our vascular surgery department. The department provides management from simple wound care to a more complex debridement and amputations.

Venous diseases

Advances in venous diseases management have been of a great value to patients in recent years. Varicose veins disease is very common and affects healthy young adults as well as elderly patients and can affect their daily activity and work. At Jordan hospital varicose veins are treated with the most modern techniques including Laser ablation, pharmacomechanical and glue based procedures. More complex venous diseases as central venous stenosis and Iliac veins compression diseases are managed by venoplasty and stenting.

Recent advances

Jordan hospital recently obtained the most advanced fluoroscopic machines with vascular operating room table which converted an ordinary operating room into a vascular hybrid OR that provides the most suitable environment for the vascular surgeon to deal with all vascular pathologies in one session with the highest safety and success rates.

Jordan Hospital provides the most advanced imagining modalities including T3 MRI and 512 CT scanners which can help diagnose all vascular diseases with minimal amounts of radiation and contrast materials with very high accuracy.

Vascular Surgery Doctors

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