Jordan Hospital

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General Overview

Radiology is one of the most important branches of medicine, as it is crucial to reach and confirm the medical diagnosis of various diseases since Jordan Hospital opening in 1996, and the radiology department has been one of the cornerstones in the hospital with frequent updates to the newest imagining and interventional technologies available worldwide.

Recently our radiology department underwent a significant upgrade by enquiring two SIEMENS MAGNETOM Vida MRI 3 Tesla, which is the latest technology in the market to ensure the best imagining result. This technology or MRIs help to accurately diagnose brain tumors, spinal cord disease, vertebral column abnormalities, vascular diseases with no contrast, sarcomas, bone tumors, and various other pathologies.

The upgrade also included two state-of-the-art SIEMENS Somatom Force Computed Tomography scanners (CT scanners) with Somatom Force Dual Source technology. This advanced technology is high-speed and can perform coronary artery scans within one heartbeat without using medications to slow down the heart rate. High resolutions images provide an accurate diagnosis of various tumors and cancers, vascular diseases, neurological pathologies. In addition, 3D reconstruction allows the physician to view each organ, blood vessel, nerves, and bone, which aids in planning for surgical procedures.

The department also has specialized Ultra-sound imagining machines, in which highly skilled radiologists perform all the imaging studies with high accuracy.

A dedicated unit for screen and diagnosing breast tumors and diseases with mammogram and breast ultra-sound imaging in one suit to ensure a complete diagnosis in a very comfortable and private environment.

Radiology Doctors