Jordan Hospital

Surgical Specialties

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Surgical Specialties Departments

583031 Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric Surgery

The department treats conditions of.
Medical team performing operation. Three of surgeons at work are busy of patient. Medicine, veterinary or healthcare and emergency in hospital. Breast Surgery

Breast Surgery

The department treats conditions of.
Cardiothoracic Surgery Cardiothoracic Surgery

Cardiothoracic Surgery

The department treats surgically conditions.
Colorectal Surgery Colorectal Surgery

Colorectal Surgery

The department treats conditions of.
Ear Nose and Throat Surgery Ear Nose and Throat Surgery

Ear Nose and Throat Surgery

The department treats conditions of.
General Surgery General Surgery

General Surgery

The department treats conditions of.
Hepatobilliary Surgery Hepatobiliary Surgery

Hepatobiliary Surgery

The department treats surgically conditions.
Kidney Transplant Kidney Transplant

Kidney Transplant

The department offers kidney transplant.
Laparoscopic Surgery Laparoscopic Surgery

Laparoscopic Surgery

The department treats conditions of.
Liver-Transplant (1) Liver Transplant

Liver Transplant

The department offers liver transplant.
Neurosurgery-1 Neurosurgery


The department treats conditions of.
Jordanhospitalophthalmology Ophthalmology


Our ophthalmology department provides diagnosis.
JordanHospitalOrthopedicSurgery Orthopedic Surgery

Orthopedic Surgery

The department treats conditions of.
JordanHospitalPediatricSurgery Pediatrics Surgery

Pediatrics Surgery

Pediatric surgeons operate on children.
JordanHospitalPlasticAndReconsrtuctiveSurgery Plastic and Reconsrtuctive Surgery

Plastic and Reconsrtuctive Surgery

The department offers a wide.
JordanHospitalUrology Urology


Urology is a surgical subspecialty.
JordanHospitalVascularSurgery Vascular Surgery

Vascular Surgery

The department treats conditions of.